1·Apply to factory and individual electronic product soldering tin handle.
2·Suitable for reflow when cheat protection, electronic circuit boards wave soldering tin stove and shelter.
3·The invention relates to a soldering tin furnace part, in particular to a tin wave generating device on a soldering tin furnace.
4·The present invention is lead-free soldering tin technology, and relates to soldering technology of electronic device and element.
5·Using oil as heating medium to heat soldering tin, then disassemble it by ultrasonic vibration and consequently disassemble the PCB's components.
6·The soldering tin jet device according to the invention has the advantage that: the tin surface is level and uniform and soldering yield can be enhanced.
7·Electronic circuit boards for wave soldering tin shelter, protect the finger and high-end electrical insulation, motor insulation, and the lithium battery positive and negative and ears fixed.
8·Applying high science and technology and original producing direction are M (no halogen) and ML (with halogen). clean-free active soldering tin thread can reach the standard scope of soldering tin.
9·Tin has replaced lead, which is more toxic, in a lot of soldering.
的确,锡已经取代了在焊接时会产生大量有害物质的铅的王者之位。 由于锡毒性较弱,它已在许多焊接过程中取代了铅。
10·The circuit board is placed in the welding stage, the pins through hole components welding, choose appropriate spray tin, soldering start.